Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Website logo

I was informed that our group would have to develop a logo for the website. So I have spent some precious hours on grabbing ideas and asking people to review my draft. But for my disappointment, I will no longer need to create the logo.

Anyway, I would like to share the ideas I had, as this might be useful for someone.

The first attempt was a bit creepy. The idea was to use LSBU faradays' wing wall, and to have the main social technologies logos "graphite" on the wall. I am not a savvy Photoshop user, so I could not make it impressive.

On the second attempt I was trying to generate a "word cloud", with the most used terms in Social Technologies. People liked the idea, but I feel like I would still have to change some of the colours and words positions.

To create this word cloud I have used a service called “Wordle”. From this website you can generate your own word clouds from the text you provide. Here is what I came up as an attempt into building the logo:

This word cloud was the one I really liked.


  1. Nice logos, i would like if we can pick the last one and work on it.


  2. I like the last one too...
